December 21, 2017 1 min read

By: Cody Nickson

Over the past year I have seen first hand how well the Raptorazor works on whitetails. I had the best season I have ever had killing two great bucks and also guiding my pops on his largest buck harvest to date. In total I have field dressed 4 whitetails this season and have yet had to change the blades on them. They have been a great asset and have saved me plenty of time in the field. 

Raptorazor Velvet Buck

One of the biggest advantages of the Big Game Skinner is the other blade that you can use to separate the vitals from the animals. I have gone from a novice at field dressing to what seems like a pro. 


Raptorazor is one tool that every outdoorsman or woman who is involved with hunting should be carrying in their pack all year around. 


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